Hi, I'm Dinh Truong

Data Scientist

I'm currently a student at Hanoi University of Science and Technology. My major is Data Science & AI. I'm generally a serious, highly disciplined, and responsible person. In life as well as at work, I always sets goals and willing to work hard to achive what I want.

About Me

Phan Dinh Truong

━━━ Data Engineer ━━━

Personal Information


Phan Dinh Truong


01 / 01 / 2003


Gia Binh, Bac Ninh

Live in

Hai Ba Trung, Ha Noi

My Journey


2014 - 2018

Le Van Thinh Secondary School

I graduated with CPA 9.2/10, and become a good student. My proudest achivements here are The Gold Medal of Provincial Badminton Exchange, The Bronze Medal of Provincial Chess, and The Third Price of Provincial Excellent Students Competition, etc.

2018 - 2021

Gia Binh 1 High School

This school has given me many beautiful memories of the youth (achivements, popularity, love,..). I won The Gold Medal in Chess at the Phu Dong Festival, The Second Price of Provincial Excellent Studnents Competition, etc.

2021 - now

Hanoi University of Science and Technology

I'm currently a third-year student at Data Science & AI 01 - K66 of SoICT (HUST). Here, I study with very excellent friends, the environment is also good and the students are extremely talented and hard-working.

Club Activities

2019 - 2022

Former member at FAG

The Flute and Guitar (FAG) is the club of Gia Binh 1 High school. I'm Gen 1 and since I graduated, I still keep in touch with FAG members. FAG Family is a place to connect people who share the same passion for singing, playing the flute, playing the guitar.

2021 - 2022

Collaborator at iCTSV

I'm the Gen 2 collaborator in the Design Group of iCTSV - an organization under the Office of Student Affairs. The main activities of my task in here is designing poster, create content and publish to the iCTSV Fanpage.

2021 - now

Member at 10/1985 Volunteering Group

I'm the Gen 7 at T10/1985. In here, I have opputunity to demonstrate all my talents in art, music, design,etc. And I have participated in many volunteer activities such as Green Friday, Summer Volunteering 2022,etc.

My Projects

May, 2023

Facial Expression Recognition

Machine Learning

June, 2023

Credit Card Fraud Detection

Applied Statistics & Experimental Design

May, 2023

HUSTPC Website

Introduction to Software Engineering

December, 2022

Covid Safe Project

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

June, 2023

Sorting Algorithms Visualization

Object Oriented Programming

January, 2023

Binpacking Bounded

Fundamental Optimization

Google Data Analytics

Professional Certificate - 8 course series

Deep Learning Specialization

Specialization - 5 course series

Deep Learning.AI Tensorflow

Professional Certificate - 4 course series

IBM Machine Leanring

Professional Certificate - 6 course series

MLOps Specialization

Specialization - 4 course series

Databases for Data Scientist

Specialization - 3 course series

Contact Me!

Let's talk about every thing. I will reply you soon via email address!